Saturday, October 10, 2009

Snow White

Nanny bought Evelyn a Snow White costume for Halloween.
Last night, she put it on and we play acted the story, oh I don't know, ten thousand times?
At one point, it went like this:

Snow White (Evelyn) directed the Evil Queen (me) on how to make the poison apple while cleaning the little dwarfs house. After that, she waited for me to come tempt her with it.

Evil Queen: Oh dear lady, I'm a poor old lady who is so thirsty. Could you please spare me some water to drink?
Snow White: Which one you want? (Pointing behind her) There is chocolate milk, juice, soda, milk, water...
Evil Queen: (a bit stunned at the choices) ... ugh.... how about some milk?
Snow White: Milk is too high (pointing at high beyond her head), I'm too little, I can't reach (showing regret on her face).
Evil Queen: ....

So, the Evil Queen got her water, and gave the apple to Snow White. She took a bite of the apple, looked around a bit dazed, then...

Snow White: I pick a spot. Oh, here.
Snow White moved to the appropriate location, carefully sat down, laid out her dress, ask for a flower to hold in front of her chest, and then slowly laid down to wait for the prince.

That, is how Evelyn's Snow White works.

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