Sunday, September 13, 2009

Table manner

We've been teaching the little girl that she must ask for permission before she leaves the dinner table.
At the end of dinner tonight, I could well tell that the thought of pooping was forming in her head. "Let's go poopy," said her dad as he walked around the table to help her off her booster, and I hurriedly took her crumb filled bib.
"Come on, down the front, down the front," her father urged her. She crabbed tight to the booster's side and won't let go. "Wait a minute, wait a minute," she said.
"Come on, let's go to the bathroom," her father encouraged.
"I want to talk," she said firmly.
Then, she turned over to me, looked at me calmly and asked "may I get off, please?"
"Yes, you may," a surprised me replied with a heart filled with pride and joy.

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