Monday, February 06, 2012

Lauren's world of purple

Lauren has a purple car. She drives this purple car with her purple key. And in this purple car is the purple blanket of her doggy (which I don't think is purple). She would drive this purple car to her park that has rides (aka Disney), or go to the doctor's to get her purple medicine, which she will take in her purple cup. Thankfully, this purple world happens only in her imagined world. When we sit down for dinner, I am still free to give her a yellow cup. Her sister used to have one regular imaginary character, Janey, that would assume the role of a sister, daughter, or a friend. But Janey always stayed within a story framework, and not into the physical world. Lauren's imagined details, now, have begun to spill over into real life. Yes, there were times when we can't clean up toys because doggy is still using them. But then...

I lay down with her at bed time the other day. It was cold, and I asked her to share a corner of her blanket with me.
"But you have a blanket," she told me, sitting up to point at my legs which are not under any cover that I can see.
"Where?" I asked, a bit confused.
"You have doggy's blanket. Doggy is sharing with you," she said, settle back into bed again and regathering every inch of blanket back to herself.
Right. "But I want the real blanket," I sounded whiny, but I was cold.
"You have the purple blanket. Green blanket is mine," the green one is the solid one that I can see, touch, and get to launder from time to time. The purple one is the cousin of the emperor's new cloth.
After much negotiating, she finally relented and generously let me have some real blanket on top of the doggy blanket. The greedy mommy, hogging TWO blankets.

Another such episode happened in the bathroom, because of course that's where everything takes place. This time she came in with me to use the potty. When it was my turn to go, she turned to open the door. I stopped her, and she said, very indignantly "but doggy has to go potty!" "Tell doggy to wait, she can go after me." I'm getting good at this. When it was doggy's turn, we left the room and closed the door so doggy can have some privacy that I didn't get to enjoy. No, I was not jealous at all.

1 comment:

Ariella said...

Lauren and Naomi can both reside in Purple-ville. Lauren with her doggy and Naomi with her "baby snow". The navigation of imaginary world intersecting with the real world is indeed tricky!