Thursday, January 26, 2012

Situations that makes me cry and laugh at the same time

The two girls love each other. There's no questioning that when you see Lauren volunteering hugs to Evelyn when Evelyn was upset, or when Evelyn bring home art projects with TO LAUREN sprawled all over the top. On Evelyn's school day, Lauren asks about Evelyn's whereabouts, and when Lauren needs to use the potty, Evelyn willingly goes to help situate her onto the training seat. However, no relationship is healthy without some bickering and fighting sprinkled in between, especially now that both of them can express their feelings quite eloquently (by shouting no) and have firm opinions on how things should go. But sometimes, oh, sometimes the reason and ways they fight makes me wonder if I should be upset or just let go and bust my gut laughing.

Example 1.
When we are out in the public, if one of us need to use the potty, all three of us would have to go and squeeze into the public restroom, bag, winter jackets and all. Squeezing into one stall is already difficult enough especially if you wonder about the sanity of the surrounding. When the time comes to close and lock the door, both girls would fight to do it, as if operating the flimsy door latch is the ultimate proof of ability and power. So, one will lock it, then be ordered to back away so the other one can unlock it and lock it again. Same thing happens when we are all finished and need to leave. Both will again fight for the privilege to unlock the door and set us all free. The only solution I came up with is this: the older one unlocks the door, gets out first. The younger one and I remain in the stall, lock it again, so the younger one can unlock it and get out. This little dance has become a part of our potty ritual.

Example 2.
Again, potty related. This time, it happened at home. When I need to go potty, Lauren usually rushes ahead so she can situate herself on her little stool squarely in front of me as I go about my business. Sometimes with a toy, sometimes with a book. In any case, if she's home with me, I don't get to go to the bathroom by myself. So on this day, it happened as usually. Lauren and I were both in the bathroom when Evelyn got bored and demanded from the family room: "I NEED A GROWN UP TO PLAY WITH ME!" Before I can even begin to reply, the little two year old sitting in front of me yelled back, at the top of her lungs: "SHE NEEDS SOME PRIVACY!!!!" Yes, I do, my dear, I do.

Example 3.
There was one day when Lauren finally decided she can award me that little bit of privacy in the bathroom and left me by myself in it. She made sure things were okay by opening the door (a new skill she just developed, to my dismay) every 30 seconds or so to tell me: "Let me check on you. Are you okay?"

Example 4.
The girls can fight in magnificent ways. Evelyn got Lauren mad one day. Lauren responded by getting into her face to tell her "NO!" Evelyn does not like Lauren yelling at her, so she shouted back "DON'T DO THAT!" Which Lauren didn't like to hear either, so she yelled back "DON'T DO THAT!" The next five minutes, the house rang with shouts of "DON'T DO THAT!" One retaliating the other. If we hadn't stopped laughing and interfere, I fear it could go on for hours.


Sandie Tsai said...

OMG, I can't stop laughing at these!! Miss you and the girls!

Ariella said...

My favorite is definitely #3. "Let me check on you." Too, too cute!