Dear Town House,
Thank you for the fabulous 7 years you've given us. We've have so many wonderful memories here.
It is here that we went from two single people to a married couple, to the parents of two little girls. It is here that we became a family and really grasped the meaning of home. I will miss the woodsy path behind the complex where I was proposed to, and the leafy shades under which I've sat with my little girl and chatted about nothing. I will also miss the huge evergreens with thick tree trucks perfect for the first hide and seek games. The pool that has generated so much laughter will never be forgotten. The pitter patter of little feet running across your carpeted hall way during the night will forever echo in my heart. The image of my child reading quietly in her room, bathed in golden sun light will be forever cherished. You've provided us wonderful neighbors and showed us what it means to be in a community. Alas, we, as a family, grow, but you remain the same. And now it is time we leave you for a bigger place. We will remember you fondly.